Mekon Ecology provides the support unit / secretariat for coordinating and facilitating the implementation of the Amsterdam Declarations Partnership (link) on deforestation-free, sustainable commodities. The Amsterdam Declarations are signed by Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway and the United Kingdom.
The Amsterdam Declaration on Deforestation (link)
The objective to promote “eliminating deforestation” is a non-legally binding, political intention and supports the private-sector goal of zero net deforestation and, in particular, the commitments expressed in the New York Declaration on Forests, underlining the global importance to preserve primary forests and high conservation value areas a.o. through responsible supply chain management. The signatories therefore reiterate the New York Declaration on Forests’s vision of joint actions by all stakeholders. In addition, we welcome the private sector goals for eliminating deforestation from global supply chains.
Summary: In support of the Declaration the signatory countries:
- Will help the private sector meet their goals of eliminating deforestation;
- Encourage more companies to set deforestation commitments and join initiatives;
- Invite more companies to voluntarily report on CSR and their carbon footprint;
- Promote multi-stakeholder partnerships, working coherently on supply chain instruments, landscape approaches and climate change instruments;
- Invite the EC to foster partnership initiatives by Member States;
- Encourage implementation of the EU trade strategy with regard to responsible supply chains;
- Encourage integration of the elimination of deforestation in current dialogues and (trade) agreements with producer countries;
- Support policy options and a roadmap towards an EU Action Plan on Deforestation.
The Amsterdam Palm Oil Declaration (link)
As the world’s largest economy, Europe has an opportunity and responsibility to move the global economy to a more sustainable path. Europe is the second largest global import market for palm oil and home to some of the world’s biggest brands and companies. Europe can be an important ‘game changer’ when it comes to a sustainable palm oil supply chain for the world. This can only be achieved if all public and private stakeholders work together in a coherent way according to each role and responsibility. This includes industry parties, civil society and governments of producer and consumer countries.
Summary: Supports the private sector commitment for a fully sustainable palm oil supply chain by 2020 (European Sustainable Palm Oil – ESPO), signed by eight national and three European sector organisations), by:
- Encouraging the further improvement of standards for sustainable production of palm oil
- Promoting a European multi-stakeholder dialogue including the Commission and Member States to identify bottlenecks and opportunities in the public and private spheres to achieve the 2020 goal
- Encouraging European companies to implement the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the forthcoming FAO-OECD Guidance for Responsible Agricultural Supply Chains
- Inviting and encouraging European companies and countries to align and engage with the ESPO Commitment and the national action plans for implementation in their home country
- Promoting further outreach in support of sustainable production in major producing countries
- Promoting engagement of major consumer countries like India and China in the debate on sustainable production and trade
- Promoting monitoring of progress on the 2020 commitment
The implementation strategy (link) contains four main strategic lines:
- Facilitate European action on Climate, Deforestation & Trade: Deforestation from agricultural commodities should be more closely linked to discussions on the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement, the CBD Strategic Plan for Biodiversity, European trade negotiations and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
- Stimulate the Global Value Chain approach for agricultural commodities, in particular palm oil: Advance partnerships on the production side as well as the consumer and market uptake side, and work with producer countries on integrated landscape approaches.
- Enhance the dialogue with major consumer and producer countries: Expand global market coverage by engaging partner countries and through diplomacy.
- Enhance transparency and use of voluntary CSR reporting: Integrate deforestation and climate / carbon footprint in reporting on Corporate Social Responsibility and enhance third party monitoring.