
Since 2004, Mekon Ecology has been supporting policy development regarding Public Private Partnerships (PPP) in the context of development cooperation and sustainable trade.

Mekon ecology also supports the development of partnerships between companies, governments and civil society organisations. Noteworthy examples are:

PPP on coffee in Nãrino region, Colombia: Empresas de Nariño (ENA), Starbucks Co., International Organisation for Migration (IOM), the Carcafé Foundation and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands joined forces to foster sustainable development of coffee growing families in Nariño. The Partnership has been evaluated by the Partnership Resource Centre of the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University:

Amsterdam Declaration Partnership: The Amsterdam Declarations were signed end of 2015 in the context of the Paris Climate Agreement. The seven signatory countries formed the Partnership. Mekon ecology assisted in the formulation of the declarations, the implementation strategy and the set-up of the partnership. We currently hold the secretariat of this challenging and influential partnership.

Strategic Partnerships of the government of the Netherlands. Mekon Ecology conducted a climate Change assessment of 12 Strategic Partnerships being developed between the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Trade and International Cooperation (FTIC) and alliances of not-for-profit organisations. Subsequently, support was provided on integration of climate change concerns.

Partners for Resilience: Development of a new strategic partnership on Climate Resilience, Disaster Risk Reduction and Ecosystem-based adaptation. The Alliance include five Netherlands’ based members: NL Red Cross, CARE, Cordaid, Wetlands International and Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre.